Friday, May 4, 2007

Men are all dogs

Ok. This is one of my favorite subjects that most don't take time to listen to the whole thing before they get mad.

All men are dogs (in the sexual context).

Here's why:

What are people? animals

What is the number one driving force in animals after food, water, and shelter? propagation of their species

How does the human race accomplish this? testosterone

What does testosterone do to men? Makes them look at each and every woman with a wanton desire to propagate

Therefore, all men what to have sex as much as possible with everyone. Hence, we are all dogs.

Now that doesn't mean that all men exercise their desires. Some men actually let their big heads do the thinking and are able to control themselves. Unfortunately, not all men are that way and we have lots of men that are hos (sometimes called players... the game being sex).

It's natural for men to want it, but we should all try and control ourselves. Without control, there will be much more STD's available to all (and who knows what else).


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