Monday, April 30, 2007

Delete the problem

To delete the problem of drugs in America there is only one solution.

Legalize all drugs.

Now listen me out before you start to tune me out. If you legalize all drugs, you take the power away from the black markets. People won't be killing each other for crack. You take the power away from the gangs.

Currently it is easier for our children to get crack than it is for them to get cigarettes. The crack dealer doesn't card, except for the color of your money. If we legalize it, we can put controls around it.

Look how illegal prostitution has stopped hooking. It hasn't and it can't. When there is a demand, there will be a market (legal or not). If you make the market legal, you will be able to control it, where it is impossible otherwise.

I'm not advocating that we all start using drugs or hookers. I'm just saying that since we can't control black markets, we should legalize them so that controls can be put in place.

As an answer to the question: What does this say to our kids?
Well, I'm not sure what you are telling your kids, but I believe this would not affect the way that I raise my daughter at all. I will be telling her the same whether vice is legal or not... it's just a higher priority if it is not.


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