Monday, June 8, 2009

Live and let live

Why must we tell others how to live their lives? Why must we tell others what they should believe? How can we legislate morality and why do we think that we must?

People have told me that because I am pro gay marriage that my belief is controversial. I hate to disagree with them, but I do believe that two people loving each other that are willing to devote their lives to each other is not controversial. I believe that hating someone for loving is controversial. How does what Rosie O'Donnell does effect or affect my marriage (I'll give ya a clue... it doesn't).

My marriage is between me, my wife, and my god. The rest of you can stay the hell out. If you are against gay marriage, don't marry someone that is gay. If you are against abortion, don't have one. If you are against owning firearms, don't buy one.

Why can't the government stay out of marriage? Is it not a religious rite? I know that they are already issuing marriage licenses and won't want to lose that cash-cow, so they can start issuing civil papers for all. That way all people would be treated equally under the law.

How do you make abortion illegal when a woman can mutilate her body without anyone's approval to get one (and possibly kill herself in the process)? If she's that desperate there is no telling what she'd try to get one. This is why abortion is legal in this country. If you don't want one, don't get one. Nobody is forcing you to do it.

If you are against marijuana, don't smoke it. How can you make a grass that grows wild in all 50 states without human intervention illegal? Make fescue illegal? You can't do it. All you create is a black market... and we all know that black markets can't be regulated at all.

DC has a ban on firearms. What does this create? It means that the person that is shooting at you won't have to dodge your bullets if you are a law abiding citizen. How does this help you? It doesn't. What ever happened to the right to bear arms?

"The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield, and government to gain ground."
Thomas Jefferson, 27 May 1788 (105 years before my ETS from the US Army)